UX Case Study / Self-Service Center
The current layout of FAQ, Contact Us, Education, Help Center, and User Guide is unusable, hard to navigate and doesn’t help the user find the information they are looking for to help resolve their platform issues.
Online research, Call center data, Internal Focus Group, Competitive analysis.
Role, scope, and constraints
What was your role? UX Lead
What was the timeline of the project? 4 months
What were the platforms or constraints? With limited bandwidth, this project was being pushed back due to other priorities.
The Research and Process
The Process
This project was next on my priority list and never happened. However, I wanted to highlight the work that was done. Because it provides added insight on how I tackle projects.
With this project the following process was used:
Understand: Used internal focus groups to understand what was wrong and what could be improved with a new reorganized help center.
Research: Analyzed internal data using customer center call volume for the year, an external case study from Oracle, and researched best practices for help centers which directly influenced the first several rounds of design.
Design: Used data and UI research to develop several LF prototypes. These prototypes were showcased for feedback with the internal focus groups and development.
Rinse and Repeat: Using the feedback from the focus groups we further refined the acceptance criteria and design.
The Research
What did you do?
Using the call center volume I isolated the top 5 subjects. From there I was able to determine what topics should be the most visible to help user solves the issue themselves before calling into CS. A reduction in call volume could result in a cost reduction of $5.00 per call.
What was the result?
If Stansberry implemented a self-service modal they could have seen close to $150,000 to $200,000 in savings over a year due to call reduction.